Answers to questions that apply to all versions of the app (Android, iOS, and BlackBerry).
Frequently Asked Questions
Why am I not hearing any audio even though it says it's playing?
What does it mean when a scanner is offline?
Why isn't my area available?
How do I request a new scanner to be added?
Why was my favorite scanner removed?
How much data does the app use?
How can I provide audio for my area?
I paid for the Scanner Radio Pro app in the past, how do I reinstall it?
How do I cancel my subscription?
How do I cancel my subscription?
How do I delete my data?
Why am I not hearing any audio even though it says it's playing?
The Clips tab fails to display any clips
Unable to sign into the app, error message says "Perform sign-in" setting is turned off
The volume keeps getting turned down
App keeps stopping while playing in the background
Not receiving notifications
Scanner audio stops when screen turns off
Scanner audio stops when I begin listening to another app
Player stops immediately after buffering has finished
The Clips tab fails to display any clips
Tips & Tricks
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